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Writer's pictureMitali

What is Social Anxiety?

Not easy.

Definitely not easy.

But it has to get out of your system.

Majority of the population having this disorder isn't aware of the term "social anxiety" and a good percentage of them deny the fact that they even have a disorder.

That fair section thinks that it'll go away if they exercise or drink plenty of water or eat their meals on time. Does it make any sense? I know. It surely doesn't.

Before we jump on what causes it or what is it or how to combat it lets first talk about why people are not accepting it.

Well, the reason behind ignoring the acceptance is that people think, as far as I've seen (not heard), psychological problems or diseases are the topics people use to "boast" about.

They have this perspective which forces them to think that only the body below their skull is important if it catches a problem.

When a child faces anxiety issues, parents often think that it will go away, and they or that child's grandparents would be better psychologist than the one who studied human science. That's how everything goes in many regions of the world.

We all need to understand and create awareness that depression, insomnia, anxiety etc are not made up things. If ignored, they can get worse.

"Self harm" tops the result.


What is social anxiety?

One of my relatives had a job interview the previous month. It was a good company and she was exhilarated to be a part of it.

When the day came, she didn't look happy. Well ofcourse she was nervous as I could see the tension building up on her face.

When the interview ended, she called her home and said, "Maa, I couldn't attend it. I am "weak-kneed" to stand my rejection. I know I am not better than these professional people around me."

The reactions were obvious. No one was happy about it. How could they even be? But as far as I know her, she doesn't get along with people well. And she is at her best when left alone.

And that my friend is social anxiety.

"The fear of being judged, noticed and evaluated negatively by other people."

This oftentimes, leads to embarrassment, inferiority, feeling of being not special, humiliation and worst case scenario, depression.

This disorder has become much more common today than yesterday.


Many people, merge introvertism with social anxiety. But mister, these two words not only are spell differently, but they even have different meanings.

Introvertism is something given to people when they are born. While social anxiety is made after being born, by the individual.

It's equivalent to genetic and somatic characters.

Genetic character, like the shape of your nose is introvertism.

And somatic character, like getting a tattoo is social anxiety.

Introverts like to be in their personal space. They don't need to be around people to have fun. They are generally quiet and thoughtful people who are less outgoing and usually introspective.

Thus, a person who is introvert maybe absolutely fine while attending social gatherings without getting any anxiety. They just like their "alone time".

Whereas, People having social anxiety, have a disorder, a mental illness. The individual fears social interaction with others. This arises usually due to his or her low confidence, pessimistic thinking pattern, and potential embarrassment.

They are those people who worry about "what others think".

What causes this disorder?

By now, you might have got the idea of the possible causes. (If not, then look up)

  • Criticism : Many people face criticism on a daily basis by their friends or teachers or family. This makes them believe that they are not "good enough" and it's highly toxic.

Reminder : When your friends or relatives come to you to share their experience with criticism and about how bad they are feeling, don't hope that your advices would help them. If a bunch of people go through the same thing, doesn't mean that they will handle it the same way.

So, If you are the one out there who faces criticism, you must know the meaning of excelsior. It is the ability to absorb all the negativity emitted by people around you, and use it as a fuel to find your silver lining.

  • Social encounters

  • Introducing themselves in public.

  • Being watched while doing something (Ugh)

  • Being the centre of attention.

  • Meeting someone professional : like job interviews or while hosting a Powerpoint in a formal business meeting.

This list is certainly not complete as there are many more.

Social anxiety is also accompanied by psychological manifestations that may include : intense fear, faster heartbeats, loss of appetite, trembling hands, and excessive sweating.

Now, most importantly,

How to overcome it?

If you related yourself with the things written above, or if you are sure that you are suffering from social anxiety, then you should know what this disorder really is.

In depth knowledge of your own problems should be known to you in order to combat it.

If I don't know what a mouse is then, how would I know how to use a mouse trap?

Proper understanding is the key to resolve a particular tension.

  • Commit to yourself in carrying your way through this journey no matter how difficult or repetitive it seems.

  • Join a group therapy. It might sound as the worst idea, but once you start it, you will know that it wasn't that bad after all.

  • Practice to absorb your own way to overcome it in order to become habitual. (Regularly practicing the solutions of a problem, makes it easier to solve it.)

  • Explore yourself. Know more about what you are going through and how you feel.

  • Talk to the one who you can keep your faith in.

  • Avoid caffeine. It stimulates your anxiety symptoms. I know it's your favourite, and you are addicted to it, but if you want to be more happy, then leave it. Or reduce its consumption if you can't handle your anxiety well.

  • Logically evaluate your negative thoughts. If your brain makes you think that you are going to ruin the debate, then ask it if it's 100% sure.

  • Practice slow breathing. It's the best solution to calm yourself down in any situation.

  • Try interacting with your co-workers who you think are "good people" to talk to.

  • Make efforts.

It's going to be difficult, and even more harsh than you think but giving your best in anything makes it more easier for you to deal with.

Slow steps, and big efforts.

That's all that matters.

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind. Not with it.

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Shivesh Srivastava
Jun 03, 2020

I really loved this of the best till date🔥

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